Zip Bait S.P.M.90 Plug 遠投小兵

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Comments: 2

「S.P.M.90」為Zip Bait近期發表的新產品,從上圖就可得知是Plug型的假餌。Zip Bait官網一如既往的沒啥介紹,我也只好從官網提供照片簡略介紹。





2 Responses

  1. hi:
    My name is Dmitri and I’m from Israel.
    I wanted to buy lures from you,Zip Bait S.P.M.90 Plug#643 two , #646 two, #705 one and #799 one.
    how much will it cost +shipping?

    Dear Dmitri.
    Sorry about that we couldn’t help you.
    We are not a tackle shop/dealer.
    Just a blog of lure fishing information.

  2. hi,
    My name is Dmitri and I’m from Israel.
    I wanted to buy lures from you,Zip Bait S.P.M.90 Plug #643 two , #646 two, #705 one and #799 one.
    how much will it cost +shipping?


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